
Fundraising is very important to the program as it helps us cover the large capital expenses that we incur over time. The money we charge for registration and the money we bring in through concessions at our home meets each year just covers the cost to operate the program on a yearly basis.

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Future Expenses

We have spent several thousands on the program over the past 10 years on such items as:

  • Improvements (heating) to the Green Meadows Farm, our private wrestling facility in Urbana
  • New Wrestling mat purchased in 2017 used to practice at the Farm and for our Home meets
  • Singlets purchased in 2007 that we MUST replace next year at $4K cost
  • Wrestling clocks, bout tree numbers, and scales, that will eventually have to be replaced

Future purchases include an enclosed trailer ($3K) used to transport and store the wrestling mat and another wrestling mat ($6K)

We plan on hosting a few fund raising events this year and need everyone to participate.